I love buying unusual items but I also have to think, who would buy it, what purpose does it have and is there a margin for me : ) I came across a really lovely looking working clothes wringer at the market a few weeks ago, it has a great look about it with most of the original writing still in tact. I knew I loved it and wanted to buy it, but a bit hesitant as to what someone may use it for now.
I decided it would probably just be used to display things on, and bought it. A few days later I was out and about and saw a sweet little table with an enamel top it wasn’t until I tried to move it that I saw the top lifted up and underneath was a large label with the words ‘ The Ewbank monitor’ it seems I had come across another wringer but this one looked very different and no longer had the main rollers.
This week, a lovely lady from the North of England bought the working wringer to use for pressing berries, which made me very happy to know that someone will now benefit from something that is no longer in use for its original purpose in life but will now be used for something different.
Remember don’t be a throw away society, be green and help the plant that human kind is so keen to trash !

Clothes wringer

vintage clothes wringer

Enamel top table (clothes wringer inside)